Nowadays, the activities of boy scouts are not limited to camping trips and campfires anymore but they can also engage in playing video games too. Boy Scouts of America now acknowledges the importance of video games to these young boys. In fact, there are already some who gained the honorary video game belt by playing games on the Nintendo Wii. But they say getting the belt requires more than just playing. The kids didn’t know that they are being observed because they are working on it.
The scouts can schedule the time they play and this activity must be shared with their parents and the game should be an educational one that can help them in their school work. They now have to budget their time and make sure that they still do the other things that there are supposed to do such as home work and other chores around the house.
This was made possible because a lot of people think that being a boy scout is not cool or boring but now, they won’t realize the fun that the boys are having if they won’t sign up as a boy scout. The games will also teach them other good values such as sportsmanship, sharing and teamwork. These things will definitely help them in the future.
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